These Last Days is a nontraditional inductive study and an investigation of Biblical prophecy concerning these last days. It is an inductive search for the truth and not a deductive search to verify dogma, doctrine or preconceived notions. It is not based on many erroneous traditions born of deductive thinking.

Prophetic events in this book are offered in several forms. A narrative of the events is presented for those who appreciate learning through story accounts. The narrative presents an overview of these last days in story form. The narratives are followed by Holy Scripture, the foundation for the narratives. Scriptures were taken from the New International version unless otherwise stated. Emphasis has been added for calling attention to a particular verse or verses. For a more detailed study, additional Scripture references are listed for the serious research student. Maps for identification purposes may be found on the website at

Chapter study guides for the book will be posted weekly beginning February 1, 2014. Please feel free to send comments, questions, insights, etc. to If you would like to receive chapters of the book in your inbox please email and we will send the updated writings each week.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


The Seven Trumpet Events

  1. In reviewing the chart of seals, trumpets and bowls, where does the wrath of God overlap the wrath of Satan?

  1. As recorded in the first trumpet Revelation 8:7-13 what might the hail and fire mixed with blood be?

  1. The second trumpet lists a huge mountain all ablaze thrown into the sea? what is a possibility that this mountain might be? What does it mean the sea turned to blood?

  1. What might the blazing star be in the third trumpet be?

  1. How can a third of the sun, moon, and stars turn black as listed in the fourth trumpet?

  1. The fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets are also called __________.
  2. In the fifth trumpet Satan is given a key to the ___________ that is filled with demons and evil spirits. The imprisoned evil spirits will come out. They will go out on the earth being given the power to _____________ for ________ months.

  1. Why is Satan “blind sided” in this instance?

  1. I Thessalonians 1:9b-10 mentions the coming wrath. Jude 1:22-23a speaks of snatching others from the fire. What do these two references have in common and what does it mean for us as Christians today?

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