These Last Days is a nontraditional inductive study and an investigation of Biblical prophecy concerning these last days. It is an inductive search for the truth and not a deductive search to verify dogma, doctrine or preconceived notions. It is not based on many erroneous traditions born of deductive thinking.

Prophetic events in this book are offered in several forms. A narrative of the events is presented for those who appreciate learning through story accounts. The narrative presents an overview of these last days in story form. The narratives are followed by Holy Scripture, the foundation for the narratives. Scriptures were taken from the New International version unless otherwise stated. Emphasis has been added for calling attention to a particular verse or verses. For a more detailed study, additional Scripture references are listed for the serious research student. Maps for identification purposes may be found on the website at

Chapter study guides for the book will be posted weekly beginning February 1, 2014. Please feel free to send comments, questions, insights, etc. to If you would like to receive chapters of the book in your inbox please email and we will send the updated writings each week.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Northern Alliance vs. The Southern Confederation

  1. The International Alliance, also known as the Northern Alliance will be lead by the _____________________. He will be victorious for _______ years.

  1. As the Antichrist continues to gain momentum within the Northern Alliance, there will be a confederation to the south organized in a similar manner as the Northern Alliance. The Southern Confederation will be a confederation of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________ states. The primary nations of the Southern Confederation will be ____________, ___________, _____________ and _____________. There may, however, be other North African nations as well. (Ezekiel 30:3-5, Ezekiel 29:9-16)

  1. The leader of this Southern Confederation will be the counterpart of the Antichrist and will be known as the King of the __________.
  1. The King of the South will attack the Northern Alliance. Even though the King of the South will have a large and very powerful army his army will be conquered because of the ______________ within his camp. As a result the counterattack by the King of the North (the Antichrist) will be successful and the King of the South and his confederation will be defeated.

  1. The False Prophet will encourage the established religious branch of the Northern Alliance to persist in maintaining affiliations with businesses, commerce and governments. The “covenant with many", also known as the “___________” covenant, designed and initiated by the False Prophet will continue to be honored.

  1. The “holy” covenant will be a covenant of false ______________ mixed with ____________ religions. (Deuteronomy 12:31, Jeremiah 5:31, II Kings 17:15, Ezekiel 11:12)

  1. What message do the two witnesses preach in Jerusalem?

  1. The preaching of the two witnesses will be for ___________ days.
  1. What are some things the two witnesses have the power to do?

  1. Why does the Antichrist feel threatened by the two witnesses?

  1. The word witness translated from the Greek word martus means ___________, willing to _________ for the faith.
  1. What happens to people who try to kill the two witnesses?

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