These Last Days is a nontraditional inductive study and an investigation of Biblical prophecy concerning these last days. It is an inductive search for the truth and not a deductive search to verify dogma, doctrine or preconceived notions. It is not based on many erroneous traditions born of deductive thinking.

Prophetic events in this book are offered in several forms. A narrative of the events is presented for those who appreciate learning through story accounts. The narrative presents an overview of these last days in story form. The narratives are followed by Holy Scripture, the foundation for the narratives. Scriptures were taken from the New International version unless otherwise stated. Emphasis has been added for calling attention to a particular verse or verses. For a more detailed study, additional Scripture references are listed for the serious research student. Maps for identification purposes may be found on the website at

Chapter study guides for the book will be posted weekly beginning February 1, 2014. Please feel free to send comments, questions, insights, etc. to If you would like to receive chapters of the book in your inbox please email and we will send the updated writings each week.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


The New Jerusalem – A New Heaven and a New Earth
The Wedding

  1. According to Revelation 21:9-27 how big is the Holy City, the New Jerusalem?

  1. Who will be in this Holy City?

  1. Will there be a temple in the city?

  1. Why will the city not need the sun or moon?

  1. The river of life flows from where?

  1. What grows on each side of the river?

  1. How then should we live in light of our looking forward to this new heaven and new earth according to II Peter 3:13-14?

  1. How are the words for place and places different in John 14:2-3? What does that mean for us?

  1. Can you truly put yourself in John 3:16 and Jude 1:24?

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Rewards in Eternity

  1. Just as there will be degrees of punishment for the condemned, there will be levels of reward for the believer. What determines our position in the kingdom?

  1. According to Luke 23:42-43 the criminal on the cross beside Jesus was promised a place in paradise. Does this mean that the criminal went immediately to heaven upon death?

  1. According to I Peter 3:18-19 where did Jesus go while His body was still in the tomb?

  1. How do the verses in John 20:16-17 let us know that Jesus did not go immediately to heaven?

  1. The foundation listed in I Corinthians 3:11-15 is ______________. The deeds that survive the blazing fire at the judgment will determine ______________ of responsibility in the eternal kingdom.

  1. How do we store up treasures in heaven?

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Final Judgment
Great White Throne

  1. Who is the “ancient of days”?

  1. What happens at the final judgment?

  1. According to I Thessalonians 4:14-17, Jesus will bring to the judgment all those who have fallen asleep. ____________ will rise first. Paul includes himself as a ___________. He will be alive and will go together with those that God has raised.

  1. According to I Corinthians 15:51-52, the _________in Christ, believers in Him will be changed first, then those _______________ who are alive and remaining on earth along with the martyrs who have resurrected bodies, and last the dead who are _______ _______________.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


The Soul
The Last Day
Second Resurrection

Often we are blown about by different teachings, but if we listen to the monument, God’s Holy Word, we will not be swayed in the wind because the monument never moves. Allow His truth to crack through traditional understanding. Keep your hearts open.

Clarification of the following is essential in our understanding of the concepts in this chapter.
There are:

Two births
Physical birth (born a __________) – temporary
Spiritual birth (born a ___________) - permanent

Two deaths
Physical death (___________ dies) – temporary
Spiritual death (___________ dies in Lake of fire) – permanent

Two resurrections
First resurrection – who participates?
Second resurrection – who participates?

Two judgments
First judgment – who participates?
Second judgment – who participates?

Two eternal lifes
Eternal life in the lake of fire – who is there?
Eternal life in the new heaven, the eternal kingdom– who is there?

  1. What is the second death?

  1. How is the spirit different from the soul?

  1. __________ plus__________ plus_____________ equals soul.
  2. According to Ecclesiastes 12:7 the physical body upon death returns to the ______________. The spirit returns to __________. What is the spirit?

  1. According to Job 14:11-12 the spirit becomes a conscious entity when the heavens _____ ____ _______.
  1. When does the destruction of the heavens take place?

  1. What do these verses have in common that are used frequently to explain what happens immediately at death? Do these verses tell us that once we are absent from the body we are immediately with Jesus? II Corinthians 5:8, II Corinthians 5:1-2 and Philippians 1:23-24

  1. The story in the Bible about Lazarus and the rich man (which many use as an illustration of dying and going to heaven or hell) is a midrash. What is a midrash?

  1. According to John 6:39, John 6:40, John 6:44, John 6:54, John 11:24 and John 12:48 what happens on the last day?

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Eternal Condemnation
Hell – The Second Death

  1. What are four words that are translated into the English word hell and what are their Hebrew and Greek definitions?

  1. ________________is the only word that mentions fire in the definition.

  1. What are some things that have contributed to our misunderstandings of the Biblical view of hell?

  1. Who are the ones listed in Scripture who will burn forever?

  1. The only mention of a word referencing eternal punishment is ___________________ and it is used only once and that in reference to __________ ______________.

  1. In the lake of fire, the fire burns forever but all those who are sent there do not. The amount of time spent in the fire, the sentence, is determined ______________________________________________________________.

  1. How do the following Scriptures affirm that different kinds of sins deserve different degrees of punishment? I Samuel 2:3, Psalm 28:4, Hosea 12:2, Obadiah 1:15, Luke 12:46-48 and Matthew 11:20-24

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Millennial Kingdom Ends
Satan Released

  1. During the Millennium Satan and his demons will be confined in the _____________. At the end of the thousand year reign Satan will be released for a ________________.

  1. According to Revelation 17:8 who is it that will be astonished when they see the beast?

  1. Why are the people living in the Millennium who have their names written in the book of life not going to be astonished when they see the beast?

  1. During this “short time” Satan is released, what are some of the things he will do to encourage people to turn against Jesus?

  1. What happens once Satan and his troops arrive prepared for the final battle?

  1. After their sound and final defeat, what will happen to Satan?

  1. Who is allowed to look upon the smoke of their torment in the fiery lake of burning sulfur for eternity?

  1. What happens to the evil angels who had been imprisoned in the Abyss?

  1. How do these verses in II Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6 and Matthew 25:41 give us the impression that the evil angels have been bound until judgment and are not on earth helping Satan when he is released after his thousand year confinement?

  1. What are some ways that we can be aware of Satan’s schemes?

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Worship in the Millennial Kingdom
Past, Present and Future Worship Procedures
“Holy to the Lord” is a Way of Life

  1. As we reflect on devout Hebrew and Jewish worship, holy worship in the Millennium will be so much more than even the most devout Jew or Hebrew of the past or present ever did or ever will do. This is how it will be continually in the Millennial Kingdom. Every day will be a __________________ day,
  2. The qualifications for church leaders are spelled out in the New Testament writings. These requirements will most definitely be in place in the Millennial Kingdom. Name some of the qualifications for church leaders.

  1. Spiritual gifts were and are now for the __________________ up of the body of Christ, the church, until we all reach unity in the ___________ and ______________ and become _______________.
  2. In the Millennium people will no longer be subjected to __________ teaching and false _____________. They will not be confused by deceitful and self serving teachers. They will have reached ______________ in the __________ faith.
  3. Even though the earth will be full of the knowledge and all people will know the Lord during the Millennial Kingdom, they must ___________ in that knowledge.
  4. In the Millennial Kingdom Holiness will be a way of life. According to Deuteronomy 7:6 why?

  1. These fasts will no longer be _______________ but will be _____________ occasions, with no sorrow attached as they were in the past.
  2. Tap into spiritual understanding and write down some ideas of what transportation will be like in the millennium
  1. God’s house will be called a house of ______________ for all nations.
  2. One thing is certain, in worship and in prayer, during the Millennial Kingdom, the people will keep God’s name _________.